01624 829000 sales@planb.im


Disaster Recovery Office Space
Work Ready DR & Business Continuity Desks

According to the Association of Records Managers and Administration, about 60 percent of businesses that experience a major disaster such as a fire close within two years. According to Labor Department statistics, over 40 percent of all companies that experience a disaster never reopen and more than 25 percent of those that do reopen close within two years.

As well as providing enterprise class data centre space, our Delta House facility also offers extensive Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Work Space to guarantee you and your staff ready-to-go desks in case of an incident at your usual office location.

We offer shared and dedicated Work Area Recovery desks from a single seat up to dedicated 100+ seat wings within our 70,000sqft facility – including IT workstations and bespoke telephone systems – pre-configured for your organisation. We’ll work with you on your Business Continuity plan so that your staff just have to turn up and get back to work.

The disaster recovery office areas are located above our enterprise class secure data centre so we can host your critical IT equipment and connect your desk areas directly to your hosted servers.

Disaster recovery facilities at a glance


24 hour on-site security
Pre-configured phone systems
Bespoke LAN configurations
BS5979 security protection
CCTV monitoring & recording
Swipe card entry
P1 fire system
Direct access to an internet hub

Accessible, male/female bathrooms on every floor
Fully equipped kitchens on every floor
Boardroom and training room
Two 8 person passenger lifts

Generous working space environment
Fully furnished large work space desks
Fully air conditioned
PC’s with LCD screens
Fax and printers
In our Disaster Recovery Suites and Business Continuity Work Areas we have all the space you need, with the right facilities.